Come celebrate and learn about Sarah and Roxy’s new books! Join Shakti Butler, PhD, transformative educator, activist, filmmaker, visionary wisdom keeper, in celebrating Sarah Peyton and Roxy Manning’s new antiracism book series! Our evening launch celebration...
Come celebrate and learn about Sarah and Roxy’s new books! Join Kit Miller, Director Emeritus of the MK Gandhi Institute from 2009 until 2021, in celebrating Sarah Peyton and Roxy Manning’s new antiracism book series! Our morning launch celebration runs from 8...
Are you curious about how Nonviolent Communication and fierce compassion can forge a more antiracist society? Can you imagine a world where there is social cohesion aimed at creating a world where everyone’s needs are met? Do you long for people from all walks of life...
Are you curious to learn more about Sarah and Roxy’s new books? Have a question for Roxy and Sarah? Curious to learn more about the books and how they can support your antiracism journey? Come to our Q+A! Do you have curiosity about Roxy and Sarah, or their writing...
When you witness microaggressions, racist acts or racist language do you feel helpless and uncertain about how to take fierce and compassionate action? Do you ever find yourself limited in your antiracist activism or learning journey by overwhelm, exhaustion, big...
When we change how we speak to ourselves, we change how our brain works.
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