Episode 10: From Village to Diplomat – The Antiracist Journey of Jackson Lima
In our tenth episode, we talk with Jackson Lima, a Brazilian diplomat with a specialization in conflict coaching and resolution. Lima talks with us about the concrete practices that make compassion and self-compassion possible: something he has a lot of personal experience with, given his experience growing up in the poorest majority Black region of Brazil, and becoming, at 38, a diplomat serving in communities around the world. The depths of Lima’s self-compassion are felt throughout the conversation, as we discuss the racial history of Brazil, the practices of Buddhism, expanding our cultural and personal understandings of success and his experiences navigating our self-critical culture of excellence and over-achievement. Lima volunteers as a conflict coach, and he shares what his work with narrative conflict coaching looks like, and the ways he is able to support people in transformative de-escalation even when both parties are not present. Join us to learn more about global efforts in antiracism and the role that self-compassion plays in those efforts.
Episode 10: From Village to Diplomat - The Antiracist Journey of Jackson Lima
About Jackson
Jackson Lima has been a diplomat for almost 15 years and holds a master’s degree in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from George Mason University, in Washington, D.C. He also acquired a Master’s in Political Science from the University of Brasília and a Master’s in Diplomacy from the Rio Branco Institute – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil.
He has a certificate degree in Conflict Transformation and Peace Studies with an emphasis on emotional balance, from the Peace and Mind Institute, in partnership with the University of Innsbruck (Austria). He attended courses in negotiation and mediation at Harvard and MIT.
He is currently the First Secretary of the Permanent Mission of Brazil to the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington DC. For 4 years, he served at the Brazilian Embassy in Nigeria, and for almost 4 years, he worked in the Brazilian mission in Zambia and was an advisor in the Department of Africa in Brazil.
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