Fierce Compassion Episode 12. Image of Dr. Akómolàfè sitting with arms around bent knee.

Episode 33: Building Bridges and Radical Belonging with Ben McBride

In this episode of Fierce Compassion, community leader Ben McBride shares his journey from experiencing both love and othering in his San Francisco upbringing to becoming a bridge-builder between divided communities. Drawing on his work with law enforcement, community violence intervention, and diverse faith communities, McBride offers a compelling vision for moving beyond political polarization through radical belonging. He explores how practicing self-compassion and genuine curiosity about those different from us can transform societal divisions, while offering practical wisdom for building bridges in our own communities. Join us for this timely conversation about choosing connection over division and co-creating a world where everyone belongs.

Also, we will be offering a limited number of live, one-on-one coaching sessions which will be shared on a special episode of the podcast. Follow this link to find out more and apply:

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Episode 33: Building Bridges and Radical Belonging with Ben McBride

Fierce Compassion Podcast

About Ben

Ben McBride is a visionary leader of radical belonging. He is the Co-Founder of Empower Initiative, a leadership development firm that fosters belonging through immersive learning. Through his dedicated work as an internationally recognized peacemaker, faith leader, activist, and sought-after speaker, Ben uniquely develops strong leaders and builds dynamic cultures of empathy, allyship, and belonging.

Follow Ben online:

Episode Mentions

john a. powell

Jennifer Eberhardt and her book, Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice that Shapes What We See, Think, and Do

Valerie Kaur and her book, See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love

Empower Initiative

The Othering and Belongining Institute

Eyes on the Prize Documentary Series

I Have a Dream speech by Martin Luther King Jr

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