Episode 16: Cultivating Love in the Workplace: Inclusion, Safety and Community with Rajkumari Neogy
In this episode of Fierce Compassion, we’re joined by Rajkumari Neogy, an expert in using neurobiology and empathy to cultivate inclusion, safety, and community in the workplace. Neogy discusses the vital role of self-compassion and authentic self-expression in the corporate world. Together we explore the profound impact of epigenetics on executive functioning and the importance of inclusivity for creating anti-racist and liberatory environments. Neogy’s innovative approach to inclusion, safety, and community in the workplace illuminates the path to a more connected, creative, and effective leadership paradigm. Join us to understand how embracing our full selves fosters a more compassionate and inclusive corporate culture.
Episode 16: Cultivating Love in the Workplace: Inclusion, Safety and Community with Rajkumari Neogy
About Rajkumari
Rajkumari Neogy (she/he) is the CEO of ibelong, a platform offering on-demand resources for workplaces dedicated to building inclusive and resonant cultures. With more than two decades of experience as an epigenetic coach and executive consultant focusing on the intersection of neurobiology, culture and empathy, Neogy combines a rare blend of scientific prowess and emotion to reimagine leadership. Specializing in the technology sector, Neogy has worked with high-powered organizations throughout the world, training leaders at Google, Facebook, Adobe, Indeed, Slack, Salesforce and more. Neogy holds a master’s degree in transformative leadership from the California Institute of Integral Studies, and is the author of “The WIT Factor: Shifting the Workplace Paradigm by Becoming Your Optimal Self.” Neogy is based in San Francisco and enjoys cooking, venturing to three-star Michelin restaurants and attending the opera and symphony.